Polar bears: climate icons or symbols of fatigue?

2 min read

Polar bears have long been an iconic image of climate change, but experts are increasingly questioning whether they are the best way to represent the global crisis.

Polar bears: climate icons or symbols of fatigue?

Some argue that polar bears are too distant, irrelevant and destructive, and may lead to „image fatigue“ among viewers. Others warn that they may misrepresent the entire species and distance themselves from the immediate threat of climate catastrophe.

In recent years, polar bears have been removed from the climate change movement, with organizations such as Oxfam and Christian Aid moving to advocate for „people, not bears“. News stations have also begun to move away from using polar bear images as the default illustration for climate emergencies.

Some media organizations have turned to Climate Visuals, an evidence-based climate photography resource, for alternative imagery, and Climate Visuals‘ image database is aligned with the Seven Principles of Climate Communication, the first of which is to „show real people“. The organization also emphasizes telling new stories and offering hope.

This shift in polar bear imagery is part of a broader trend in „conservation photography,“ which showcases both the beauty of our environment and the threats to it.

While polar bears may have once been synonymous with climate change, experts now believe they have lost their value as climate symbols. They say more relevant visuals, such as images of extreme weather events, can be more effective in raising awareness of the climate crisis and galvanizing action.

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